
Administration and Leadership

President's Cabinet

Joyce F. Brown, PhD, president
Sherry F. Brabham, treasurer and vice president for Finance and Administration
Stephen Tuttle, JD, general counsel and secretary of the college
Laurence Baach, vice president for Information Technology and CIO
Cynthia M. Glass, EdD, vice president for Human Resource Management and Labor Relations
Jacqueline Jenkins, interim executive director, Center for Continuing and Professional Studies
Tardis Johnson, EdD, acting vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Success
Yasemin Jones, PhD, interim vice president for Academic Affairs
Deliwe Kekana, interim chief diversity officer, director for affirmative action, and Title IX coordinator 
Jennifer LoTurco, deputy to the president
Philips McCarty, vice president for Advancement and executive director of the FIT Foundation

Academic Division Deans and Directors

Brooke Carlson, DSc, interim dean, School of Graduate Studies
Jacqueline Jenkins, interim executive director, Center for Continuing and Professional Studies
Patrick Knisley, PhD, dean, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Shannon Maher, dean, Jay and Patty Baker School of Business and Technology
Troy Richards, dean, School of Art and Design

The Museum at FIT

Valerie Steele, PhD, director and chief curator

Administrative Divisions

Office of the President

Marvin Feldman Center
(212) 217-4000

Dr. Joyce F. Brown, president
Jennifer LoTurco, deputy to the president

Academic Affairs

Marvin Feldman Center, Room C913 
(212) 217-4040

Dr. Yasemin Jones, interim vice president for Academic Affairs
Dr. Sidney Alfonso Grimes, Jr., associate vice president for Academic Affairs Operations
Dr. Deborah Klesenski-Rispoli, associate vice president for Academic Affairs

Advancement and Alumni Engagement

333 Seventh Avenue
(212) 217-4100

Philips McCarty, vice president for Advancement and executive director of the FIT Foundation 
Liz Manalio, assistant vice president for Advancement 

Communications and External Relations

Business and Liberal Arts Center, Room B905
(212) 217-4700

Beth Mitchell, interim associate vice president for Communications and External Relations
Roberto Villanueva, special assistant to the vice president for Communications and External Relations

Enrollment Management and Student Success

Business and Liberal Arts Center, Room B221
(212) 217-3800

Dr. Tardis Johnson, acting vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Success
Dr. Corie A. McCallum, interim assistant vice president for Student Success and Dean of Students

Finance and Administration

333 Seventh Avenue
(212) 217-4020

Sherry F. Brabham, treasurer and vice president for Finance and Administration
Caroline Samuels, deputy to the vice president for Finance and Administration
Shelci Graham, acting senior associate vice president for Finance and Administration
Bayard King, associate vice president for Finance

Human Resources

333 Seventh Avenue
(212) 217-3650

Dr. Cynthia M. Glass, vice president for Human Resource Management and Labor Relations
Lonnie Cooper, special assistant to the vice president of Human Resource Management and Labor Relations

Information Technology

333 Seventh Avenue
(212) 217-3400

Laurence Baach, vice president for Information Technology and CIO 
Steven Willner, assistant vice president, Education and Enterprise Technology
Rakesh Kumar, chief information officer and assistant vice president, IT Infrastructure Services

Legal Affairs and Institutional Controls

333 Seventh Avenue
(212) 217-4030

Stephen P. Tuttle, general counsel and secretary of the college
Griselda Gonzalez, director of Policy and Compliance
Joseph E. Iannini, executive director of Internal Controls and Management Analysis

The Museum at FIT

Shirley Goodman Resource Center 
(212) 217-4558

Dr. Valerie Steele, director and chief curator