Elder Care Support Group
The Elder Care Support Group meets monthly and is for individuals caring for, or anticipating caring for, an elderly relative, parent, or friend. It addresses topics such as:
- determining what help is necessary and available resources
- coping with feelings of anger, guilt, loss, and sadness
- tips for getting elders to accept help they might need and not want
- learning to take care of yourself
- getting support and coping tips from others who share similar concerns
This support group is also open to family members of FIT employees as we recognize Elder Care issues impact the entire family including siblings, spouses and partners. Please feel free to extend an invitation to those in your circle who might benefit from this program and just remember to let us know who and how many people will be attending.
If you wish to attend, please send an email to [email protected].
If for whatever reason you are unable to attend this group, but have some elder care concerns, please call the EAP office at x7-5600 to schedule an individual appointment.
Fall 2024 Meeting Schedule
- Tuesday, September 17, 1-2 pm - Dubinsky, Room A608D
- Tuesday, October 28, 1–2 pm - Dubinsky, Room A802
- Tuesday, November 19, 1–2 pm - Dubinsky, Room A802
- Tuesday, December 3, 1-2 pm - Dubinsky, Room A802
This is an information and support group only, and not mental health counseling.
For further information, please contact Daria Best, LCSW, EAP Coordinator, at (212) 217-5600.
Contact Us
Dubinsky Center, Room A608D
(212) 217-5600
Voicemail is connected 24 hours a day and messages are retrieved daily.
Office Hours
Monday and Tuesday: 9 am–5 pm
Thursday: 1–5 pm (remote)
All appointments and calls are held in the strictest confidence.