Goal 2
Initiative | Task |
Cross-Cutting Initiative 2.1 Improve communications to students. |
2.1.1 Redesign and integrate the basic electronic and other institutional means of communications to students:
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.1.1a Review all communications and communication tools to determine if we can enhance the ways we communicate with our students and ensure we are communicating with them in the most effective manner. |
2.1.2 Implement a strategy to enhance College signage. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.1.2a Develop and implement an event and activity promotion plan should be developed and implemented in tandem with the signage project. This should include working with WFIT to promote events and activities on flat screens around campus as well as on kiosks, etc. |
Cross-Cutting Initiative 2.2 Enhance relations with alumni. |
2.2.1 Recruit and hire a Director of Alumni Relations. |
2.2.2 Create a short-term and long-range alumni relations plan (include identifying lost alumni). |
2.2.3 Develop a mechanism for obtaining comprehensive data from alumni to help inform career placement and program development. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.2.3a Develop a plan that defines the relationship between career services and alumni relations. The plan should include:
It is important to create a synergy among career services, institutional research and alumni and faculty relations (conversations have begun). What is the role of career services in the placement of alums? What data do we need from alumni to inform career placement and program development? |
Cross-Cutting Initiative 2.3 Improve the academic advisement process for degree and non-degree students |
Explore the viability of developing an advisement system specific to each department. Include strengthening the role of the Liberal Arts liaison in each department, and invite liberal arts faculty to participate in advisement throughout the year. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.3.1a Develop a plan for a centralized advisement center. The plan should include mandatory advisement each semester prior to registration. Once the plan is developed, we need to develop a strategic implementation plan for roll-out. |
2.3.2 Extend advisement hours for evening and weekend students. |
Cross Cutting Initiative 2.4 Enhance and strengthen the assessment of student needs and expectations. |
2.4.1 Centralize survey and other assessment strategies through Institutional Research. |
2.4.2 Develop and implement on-going College-wide assessment strategies for schools, Student Affairs and related service areas. |
Cross Cutting Initiative 2.5 Educate current students about their choices in bachelor degree programs and their career options. |
2.5.1 Initiate a fall Upper Division orientation program for AAS transfer students wishing to enroll in BS/BFA programs. |
2.5.2 Educate students and faculty about services offered by the Career Services Office:
Cross Cutting 2.6 Improve service to students relating to the individual Schools. |
2.6.1 Develop a list of frequently asked questions to be placed on the school websites, given to departmental secretaries and distributed at admissions information sessions, open houses and other informational activities. |
2.6.2 Eliminate the paper process and create an electronic process for students to sign out studio space on campus: (Art and Design and Tech Design in Business and Technology:
2.6.3 Establish on-line block registration for A&D.
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.6.3a Explore the elimination of the back office process of entering block registration for students. The process should be completely automated. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.6.3b Eliminate the blocks and engage a time tabling consultant to assist in developing the formula/matrix that will guarantee that students are able to register for all required courses in the appropriate sequence. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.7.1 Install flat screens and kiosks to provide relevant information to students. This will be coordinated with the roll out of the college-wide signage project. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.7.2 Install a kiosk and create signage to better direct students (and others) to Continuing and Professional Studies. This will be coordinated with the roll out of the college-wide signage project. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.7.3 Improve the Dining Hall to include more multi-media for student activities. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.7.4 Convert the A lobby into a more student friendly space (e.g., install some furniture). |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.7.5 Evaluate space throughout the campus where student art can be hung on the walls (e.g. Writing Center); consider hanging tags on each item indicating (with student permission) that the item is available for purchase in the Style Shop. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.7.6 Utilize display cases that already exist and install kiosks and other new technology throughout the lobbies to exhibit student art work. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.7.7 Consider a satellite location for Barnes and Noble that promotes branded goods. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.7.8 Expand the focus of the Style Shop to sell student artwork, photography, jewelry, etc. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.7.9 Build a Museum Gift Shop in the E Lobby. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.7.10 Beautify outdoor space (27th Street) - Landscape (trees, flowers), install benches, etc. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.7.11 Create a space where students and faculty can meet and share ideas in an informal setting.
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.8.1 Provide integrated wellness services to students - Develop a Center for Integrated Health which would combine health services and counseling into one unit. Services such as yoga instruction, meditation and nutrition should be added to the multitude of services already offered. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.8.2 Expand services and activities into the evening and on weekends - Develop a plan to create more student activities like FIT @ Night and Oscar Night. Also include enhancing services to students such as additional computer lab hours, additional student service office hours, etc., so that students can take care of administrative issues in the evening and on weekend. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.9.1 Develop a semester calendar with a series of activities such as:
Art and Design Initiative 2.1 Incorporate privileges for 8th semester students. |
2.1.2 Dedicate lab time for capstone projects throughout the School of Art and Design during each spring semester. |
Art and Design Initiative 2.2 Increase the visibility of student work. |
2.2.1 Increase the number of College-wide displays for Art and Design students. Note: Although the implementation of 3-D will make displaying student work easier, we still need physical space for exhibitions. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.2.1a Consider beginning the construction of the enclosure of the space outside the D Lobby in tandem with installing the FIT disc on Seventh Avenue (part of the signage project). |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.2.1b Provide/secure additional support for exhibition installation |
School of Graduate Studies Initiative 2.1 Enrich the graduate student experience through increased opportunities for student involvement and development. |
2.1.1 Organize events that support the curriculum. |
2.1.2 Explore opportunities for teaching and research assistantships. |
2.1.3 Provide additional non-classroom workspace for graduate student use. |
2.1.4 Enlarge student lounge space to accommodate growing graduate student enrollment. |
School of Graduate Studies Initiative 2.2 Enhance services to maintain and improve student satisfaction. |
2.2.1 Expand student support services required to satisfy the particular needs of the School. |
2.2.2 Hire dedicated staff to handle increased workload as needed (to support school growth). |
Student Affairs Initiative 2.1 Enhance first-year degree student satisfaction and retention. |
2.1.1 Develop a first-year experience program to address student development skills and issues. This should include identifying staffing and resource needs associated with additional programs and activities geared specifically toward the new first-year student. |
Student Affairs Initiative 2.2 Communicate the Colleges support services to the entire College community. |
2.2.1 Convene regular joint informational meetings between Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, inclusive of Deans and Directors. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.2.1a Consider developing regularly scheduled cross-divisional programs. |
2.2.2 Create a series of on-going in-service training workshops for College faculty, staff and administration emphasizing student development issues and skill building. |
Student Affairs Initiative 2.3 Foster a strong sense of community within the campus environment. |
2.3.1 Create a plan for a centrally located student assistance and information center. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.3.1a Redesign the space outside the Admissions office so that it is equipped to handle the functions of a Welcome Center |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.3.1b Develop a plan for a Student Service Center, centralizing the Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid and Bursar functions. |
2.3.2 Expand spaces available for student lockers and for student activities. |
2.3.3 Develop and implement a strategy for enhancing campus transportation and safety including the new residence hall on 31st street. |
School of Continuing and Professional Studies Initiative 2.1 Enhance the FIT environment for evening/weekend degree, non-degree and non-credit students. |
2.1.1 Coordinate through Evening/Weekend Director, appropriate FIT support services for evening/weekend degree students |
2.1.2 Identify and extend employment-related services to students in FIT credit and non-credit certificate programs. |
New Task (Spring 2010) 2.2.1a Determine if career and internship center services are available (and if so to what degree) to credit and non-credit certificate program students and if not adequate, develop a plan for providing services to this population. |
2.1.3 Undertake extensive study of student satisfaction in Continuing and Professional Studies to better profile their needs, study trends, origins and satisfaction. |
2.1.4 Ensure that catalog, web site and other communications emanating from the School of Continuing and Professional Studies are clear and support continuing and professional student admissions, registration, course appropriateness and successful completion of study. |
2.1.5 Explore on-line registration capacity for all School of Continuing and Professional Studies students. |