Judges List
2023 Capstone Judges
Abigail Honor, Founding Partner, Lorem Ipsum Corp.
Alex Hill, Vice President, Experiential Solutions, Taylor Corporation
Ali Macadoodle, Director of Experiential Design, Mirror
Anne Finkelstein, Adjunct Associate Professor, Spatial Experience Design FIT
Anthony DeRita, Producer, Blue Telescope
Amy Sondrup, President, Access TCA, Inc.
Andrea Huang, Product Designer/Human-Centered Design
Anika D. Grant, Founder + CEO, Idlewild Experiential
Anthony Erpelding, SVP Creative
Asal Shakeri, Experience Designer & Educator
Axel Von Hagen, Founder/Managing Partner, von Hagen GmbH
Boi Smit, President, Cees Smit, Inc.
Brenda Vreeland, Creative Director, Apogee Exhibits and Environments
Briyana Rainer, Designer, Gensler
Cameron Smith, Executive Creative Director, Events & Branding, Elevate
Caitlin Whittington, Judy R. and Alfred A. Rosenberg Associate Director of Creative
Design and Exhibitions, Performing Arts Museum and Administration, The New York Public
Library for the Performing Arts
Catherine Tyler, Group Account Director, Idlewild Experiential
Charles Pappas, Senior writer at Exhibitor magazine, Exhibitor Group
Chauncie Burton, VP Head of Accounts, Idlewild Experiential
Chris Maroney, VP, Senior Illustration Director, Jack Morton
Christian-Lutz, Neubert Geschäftsführer I CEO, RONALD SCHMITT DESIGN GMBH
Christian MItchell, Senior Director, Idlewild Experiential
Courtney Miller, Producer, Idlewild Experiential
Craig Berger, Associate Professor and Chair–CD Pathways FIT
Cybelle Jones, CEO, SEGD (Society for Experiential Graphic Design)
Dan Carter, SVP of Creative, Freeman
Dan Marwit, Senior Content Developer, Moey Inc
Daniel Alajajian, Creative Director, Bloomberg Media / Bloomberg Live Experiences
David Sherman, Vice President, Executive Creative Director, Freeman
Debra Roth, Creative / Principal, Originators
Elaine Charnov, SVP, Exhibitions, Education & Programs, Intrepid Museum
Elinore Aladjem, Project Director and Team Lead
Ethan Taylor, VP Operations, Apogee Exhibits and Environments
Gerry Breen, Exhibition Designer, Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian
Grace Diggens, Executive Producer ,Thought Process
Greg Tribbe, Principal, Managing Director, Cloudstreet
Hansa Hatrote, Designer
Hilary Davidson, Chair, MA Fashion & Textile Studies
Ian Kerrigan, Senior Vice President, Exhibitions, National September 11 Memorial &
Isabella Bruno, Exhibition / Experiential designer, Smithsonian Museum of American
Jackie Capone, Environmental Graphic Designer for Wayfinding Systems and Exhibitions,
Jackson Young, UX Design Manager, Google
Jada Schumacher, Professor, Communication Design Pathways FIT
James Pearce, Emerging Technologies + ITDP Manager FIT
Janice Fuld, Associate Director, Education, WNET New York Public Media
Jeanne Golly, Associate Professor, Counselor & Instructor FIT
Jeff Everson, Director of Spectacular Projects, Daktronics
Jeff Miller, Director of Programming, Unified Field
Jennifer Eades, Northeastern Territory Strategic Account Manager, Cort
Jennifer Lee, Assistant Professor, Fashion Business Management, FIT
Jenny Chang, Exhibit Designer, Deckel & Moneypenny
Jo Ann Secor, Director of Interpretive Services/Marketing, Skolnick
Joseph Christiana Creative Director Nationwide 360
Joseph DeLaunay, Designer, ACCESS TCA, INC.
Justin Dworak, President, Star
Karl Matsuda, Former Preparator / Professor, AMNH / FIT
Kate O'Malley, Vice President of Sales, Aluvision
Kayla Van Name, Architectural Exhibit Designer, Wildlife Conservation Society
Katina Rigall Zipay, Creative Director, Classic Exhibits Inc., EED Advisory Board
KP Tacconi, Innovation Manager, FuturePractice, NYU Langone
Kristine Lin, Producer, Potion
Kyle Lucken, CAD Lead, beMatrix USA
Kyra Taurman, Executive Creative Director, Gradient
Larina Cipolla, Exhibit Designer, Czarnowski
Lee Patrick, Instructor, Spatial Experience Design BFA Program | FIT
Li Jackson, Editor, Exhibit City News
Liza Reich Rawson, Head, Exhibition Development & Design, Liberty Science Center
Lynda Kennedy, VP Education & Evaluation, The Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum
Margo Malter, Director of Exhibits, LICM
Margot Jacqz, Search Recruitment Consulting, Jacqz Co.
Margaret Joseph, Professor, GFM FIT
Mark Taylor, President and CEO, Apogee Exhibits and Environments
Marla Supnick, President, UNIFIED FIELD
Masha Pyshkina, Head of Museum and Experience Design, Lorem Ipsum
Mathilde Lacroix, Senior Experiential Designer, Mirror
Matthew Beck, Creative Director
Megan Morris, Content Coordinator, Local Projects
Melissa Budinic, Exhibitions, United Nations
Michael J. Moolenschot, Director, Global Visual Merchandising, Fresh
Mike DeQuattro, Designer, ACCESS TCA, INC.
Mike McCarthy, Vice President, Design Communications Ltd (DCL)
Moeriana Smit, Cees Smit, Cees Smit, Inc.
Monica Herman, VP Executive Creative Director, Giant Spoon
Naz Ertugrul, Designer, CRÈME Architecture & Design
Neeta Verma, Associate Professor, Visual Communication Design, Notre Dame
Pamela Ellsworth, Professor and Chair, Global Fashion Management FIT
Paul Melton, Professor, Art Market Studies FIT
Paul Orselli, Chief Instigator, Paul Orselli Workshop, Inc. (POW!)
Pat Friedlander, Owner, Word Up
Patrick Snee, Principal, MNEMONIC
Peter Haas, Project, Executive Design, Communications Ltd (DCL)
Philip Brady, Principal, The PRD Group LLC
Rahi Habibian, Environmental Experience Design and Creative Director
Rebecca Sperling, Senior Director, IDEO
Reed Sowder, Exhibit Designer, Deckel & Moneypenny
Ritesh Lala, Tech Director, Lucid Space
Rob Hassler, Director of Business Development, Bluecadet
Robin White Owen, Co-founder and Principal, Media Combo Inc.
Sarah Blazer, PhD, Interim Director and Associate Professor, FIT Writing & Speaking
Studio FIT
Stacy Kenny Sr, Creative Strategist, Agency EA
Stephen G. Keating, Associate Director, FIT Writing & Speaking Studio
Stephen Ross, VP, Executive Creative Director, Access TCA, Inc., EED Advisory Board
Sylvia Mead, VP—New York, V21 Productions
Teri Kuehnast, Chief Marketing and Impact Officer, Catalight
Tim Boutelle, Director of Creative Technology, RLMG
Todd Dailey, VP — Creative, Visual Communications
Trent Oliver, Principal and Managing Director, Blue Telescope
Tristan Valencia, Founder, Thought Process
Virginie Itier, Director of Visual Merchandising, Dior
Zhengyuan (Jenn) McDermott, Art Director, Local Projects
Zorana Ivcevic Pringle, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Keynote Speaker, Yale Center
for Emotional Intelligence
Zuzanna Zmijewska, Designer Mirror
Exhibition and Experience Design Faculty and Thesis Advisors
Brenda Cowan
Christina Ferwerda
Christina Lyons
Eileen Kang
John Delfino
Joseph Karadin
Kate Schein
Kyoka Jiang
Michael Stiller
Paul Melton
Pedro Motta
Peter Hyde
Sara DeAngelis
Ted Nordlander
Exhibition and Experience Design Advisory Board
Dave Walens, CEO, Exploring, Inc.
Gretchen Coss, Senior Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, Gallagher & Associates
Katina Rigall Zipay, Creative Director, Classic Exhibits Inc.
Michael McMahon, President and CEO, Hill & Partners
Norm Friedrich, President/CEO, OCTANORM North America, Inc.
Rob Cohen, Vice President (EED Advisory Board Chair), Display Supply & Lighting, Inc.
Stephen Ross, VP / Executive Creative Director, Access TCA