
Official FIT Policies

FIT’s policies connect the college’s mission to the everyday actions of its community, clarify the institution’s expectations of its individual members, help mitigate institutional risk, enhance efficiency, support the college’s compliance with laws and regulations, and outline best practices for smooth operations. 

A policy:

  • Is a statement of management philosophy and direction;
  • Is established to provide guidance and assistance to the college community in the conduct of college business;
  • Has institution-wide application;
  • Changes infrequently;
  • Helps FIT comply with applicable laws and regulations;
  • Reduces institutional risk; and
  • Guides the FIT Community on best practices.

For more information please review the Policy on Policies in the College Policy Library. Policies are vetted by the Policy Advisory Group (PAG). The term “policy” is reserved exclusively for official college policies that follow the Procedures for Policy Development and Approval, and have been formally signed off upon by all required parties, including the President of the college. For guidelines, and other area-specific procedures or rules that may exist in paper or online formats in your office, please use terms like, “guidelines”, “procedures”, “principles”, or “protocol”. 

FIT’s College Policy Library houses all of FIT’s official college policies. When existing policies are updated, and new policies are approved and posted, they are added to the College Policy Library and announced employee-wide via email. Users can search by volume, alphabetical order, or specific topics. 

Development, review, issuance, and archiving for all official college policies are coordinated by the Policy Advisory Group (PAG) before receiving the President's formal approval for publication.  

You can review the processes for developing, issuing, and maintaining FIT policies, in the Policy on Policies in the College Policy Library. 

What Would You Like to Do Next?

Please review below for more information on FIT policies, PAG, and our policy process.

Visit the College Policy Library to view policies by volume, or search all college policies in alphabetical order.

Find out more about PAG's members and mission.

Please contact the Office of Policy and Compliance for more detailed information on the processes for creating or revising existing official college policies, and proposing the deletion of official college policies.