Videography, Photography, and Audio Recording

Policy No: CR005

Policy Statement

Videography, photography, and audio recordings (“Recordings”) take place both on and off the FIT campus on a regular basis for a variety of purposes. This policy provides clarification about the procedures that are necessary before Recordings take place and during the Recording process. It also provides clarification about necessary permissions for use of content. Adherence to this policy and any other college policies will ensure that recordings are made with documentable releases and consents by those being recorded; that secured location agreements protect all parties and are in compliance with legal and liability issues; that ownership and usage rights are clear; that the academic environment is not unduly disrupted; and that the FIT brand and creative output of the FIT community are protected.

Employees and students, other college-affiliated individuals, and all external parties, including media, must work directly with Communications and External Relations (CER) in planning, approving and carrying out Recording related to FIT (with the exception of curriculum-based work). Requests need to be submitted in advance, with reasonable time given for information gathering and due consideration. 

Who is Affected by This Policy

  • All members of the FIT community - administrators, faculty, staff, and students
  • All external videographers, audiographers, and photographers retained by third parties working with the college or members of the FIT community
  • All third parties making requests to conduct Recordings
  • FIT and FIT-affiliated faculty, staff, and employees conducting Recordings 

Policy Information

  • Responsible Administrator: Vice President for Communications and External Relations
  • Responsible Office: Office of Communications and External Relations
  • Implementation History:  Issued August 2016; Updated August 2023
  • Contact: Executive Director of Public and Media Relations

View Official Policy

CR005,  Videography, Photography, and Audio Recordings (.pdf)
*This PDF document is the official version of this policy.