Anna Blume, PhD

BA, Williams College
PhD, Yale University
2011-2012 State University of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching
Ethics and Sustainability Minor Coordinator
American Philosophical Society
Josef Albers Foundation, Dumbarton Oaks, Fulbright, Ford Foundation, SUNY Research Grants
Selected Publications and Digital Media
"Layers of Disaster," in The New Centennial Review, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2021, pp 24-43.
"Ancient Architecture in the Mississippi Valley: Monumentality Seen and Unseen," in RES Anthropology and Aesthetics. Illinois, Vol. 69-70, Spring-Autumn 2018, pp. 294-309.
The Archaic Bannerstone Project, launched in 2018
Bannerstone Research and Images featured in Archaeology, A publication of the Archaeological Institute of America, July/August 2017
"Fluidity of Referents: Maya Appropriations and Adornments," a paper presented for Native/American Fashion: Inspiration, Appropriation, and
Cultural Identity. NMAI. New York City. April 22, 2017.
"Maya Time," Art in America. September 2012.
"Maya Concepts of Zero," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia, Vol. 155, No. 1, March 2011, pp. 51-88.
"Flesh to Flesh," Interview on ACT UP Political Funerals, Trigger 93, 17-30, 2011.
ACT UP Oral History Project, Interview Number 109, Interview by Sarah Schulman, January 2010
"Dialectics of Conversion: Las Casas and Maya Colonial and Post Colonial Congregacin," Religion and Secular: Historical and Colonial Formations. Edited by Timothy Fitzgerald, 24-45. London: Equinox, 2007.
Rollout, Interview with Photographer Justin Kerr on his Work with Ancient Maya Pots
"Animal Transformations: The Mixing of Maya and European Fantasy and Belief," A Pre Columbian World. Edited by Mary Miller and Jeffrey Quilter, 242-261. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006.
"Mesh: Tale of the Hermaphrodite," LTTR 4, Printed Matter, New York September 2005.
Grand Central Station Action: No Bush Lies Wars Banner, August, 2004.
"Courtly Art of the Ancient Maya. A review of the Maya Exhibition at the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC," Art in America, December, 2004.
"The Cause Was Hatred," New York Times Editorial Letters, September 13, 2001.
"On Sadness," Essay for an exhibition of works by Siobhan Liddell, UCLA Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, California, 2000.
"Secession: Zoe Leonard," Zoe Leonard - Anna Blume Interview, Exhibition Catalog, Vienna, Austria, 1997.
Afterlife of Images: Text, Volume I: 1997 PhD Dissertation in the History of Art, Yale University.
Afterlife of Images: Images, Volume II: 1997 PhD Dissertation in the History of Art, Yale University.
"In a Place of Writing," Plains Indian Drawings 1865-1935. Edited by Janet C. Berlo, 40-44. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1996.
"In the Wake of Production: a study of Peter Bruegel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus," Essays in Honor of Donald Gifford. Edited by Donald E. Morse. New York: Lang Publishing, 1995.
"Ways Through Amnesia: Photographs and Native American History," Print Collectors Newsletter, July 1995.
View Publications on ResearchGate
- HA 114 Prehistoric Art
- HA 116 American Indian Art and Civilization
- HA 224 Mesoamerican Art and Civilization
- HA 225 Art and Civilization of India
- HA 320 Animals, Architecture, and Aesthetics
- HA 397 Studies in Maya Art and Culture
- HA 462 Art and Ethics