Department of Student Life
The Department of Student Life strives to develop the co-curricular college experience of FIT students through thoughtful and holistic programming aimed at developing the spiritual, intellectual, social, and multicultural growth of students. To that end, Student Life is committed to the development of a campus environment that challenges students to enrich their educational experiences and cultivates a spirit of civic and community engagement.
Stop By
The Department of Student Life is located on the seventh floor of Dubinsky Student Center. You'll find spaces to hang out and relax, plus a game room, a meditation room, club offices, and the FIT Student Government Association's headquarters. We are open 9 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday. You can contact us at [email protected] or (212) 217-4130.
Student Perks
As a student at FIT, your student activity fee opens up a wide range of opportunities,
programs, and experiences via FIT clubs and organizations. Your activities fee also provides you with a variety of student perks, including:
- discounted AMC movie tickets (available daily in the Department of Student Life - cash only)
- discounted tickets to Broadway shows, NYC sporting events, and other events (availability TBD)
- copies of student publications (W27 Newspaper, Blush Magazine)
Our Services and Activities
Leadership Programs
Leadership programs are designed to offer an array of opportunities for students to develop leadership abilities, informed by their personal experience and a deep understanding of how their strengths and talents can serve society. From orientation to commencement, students at FIT have the opportunity to develop a deep understanding of how they can impact both their industry or field of study and the world around them. The annual Leadership Awards Gala recognizes student leaders who exemplify scholarship, service, and leadership.
Clubs and Organizations
The Department of Student Life supports the 60+ student-run clubs and organizations at FIT. We provide general advisement, in addition to approving club and organization programs and activities, assistance managing finances, training and leadership development of students in leadership roles, and overseeing the student-driven process of approving new clubs and organizations. We support club advisors and serve as a liaison between campus partners and student groups.
Student Activities Board Home Page
The FIT Student Activities Board (SAB) initiates and coordinates educational, social, and cultural campus programming. SAB programs enhance the overall student experience outside of the classroom and cultivate a strong student community. An entirely student-driven programming board, the SAB is supervised by the Department of Student Life. SAB programs are open to all degree-seeking undergraduate students at no cost. Don’t miss out on what your SAB provides for you and the student community!
FIT Student Government Association
The FIT Student Government Association (FIT SGA) is the voice of more than 8,000 undergraduate students. The FIT SGA advocates for
and supports the FIT student community via the President's Cabinet, Student Senate,
and Senate Committees. The FIT SGA also oversees and manages funds collected from
your FIT student activity fee and works to enhance and improve all aspects of your
collegiate experience at FIT. The Department of Student Life advises and supports
the FIT SGA.
Contact FIT SGA
Orientation Programs
First-time FIT students attend New Student Orientation. The orientation programs aim to introduce new students to the expectations, mission, and values of FIT, while creating opportunities to interact with and get to know other students. Orientation helps new students integrate into our diverse community and become familiar with resource and support services. The Department of Student Life directly oversees all aspects of each orientation program in collaboration with groups throughout the institution.
Service Learning and Volunteering
Civic engagement at FIT is about actively participating in the relevant issues of society. It embodies the spirit of living out cultural, social, and ethical values in service to others in our community, both local and global. Through community service and service learning projects, we offer opportunities for students to learn and grow out of the classroom, while making an impact on the community.
Theme Weeks and Campuswide Programs
FIT has a long and rich history that links generations of students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Learning about and taking part in our traditions is an important way for students to become a part of the FIT community. These traditions include Weeks of Welcome, Family Weekend, Spring Block Party, Grad Week, Stress Relief Week, Wellness Week, and much more!