Pamela Ellsworth

Associate Professor and Associate Chair | Global Fashion Management


BS, Cornell University
MPS, Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York


Pamela Ellsworth is an associate professor and chairperson of the Global Fashion Management program in the School of Graduate Studies. Prior to her appointment as chairperson in 2007, Ellsworth consulted on marketing and production projects in Asia and Africa, and prior to that, held the position of product development manager for Burlington Industries’ export business. In the early years of her career, she worked as a theatrical costumer for theater, dance, and opera.

Ellsworth received certification in fashion design from The School of Fashion Design in Boston, studied textile technology at FIT, received her BS degree from Cornell University in Apparel and Textile Management, and earned a Master of Professional Studies in Global Fashion Management from FIT.

Ellsworth is an emeritus member of the President’s Council of Cornell Women.