Dean of Students
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Mission Statement
The Dean of Students (DOS) serves as a critical support structure dedicated to the intellectual, creative, personal, and social development of FIT students. Through thoughtful and intentional planning, the Dean of Students fosters academic and social partnerships within the FIT community, establishes expectations and sets community standards leading the way towards enriching the overall student experience and striving for FIT student success.
Community Standards
Creating an empowering and safe space for members of the campus community is an essential tenet of the Dean of Students. To that end, the FIT Code of Student Conduct serves as a guide for an established set of expectations and community standards. All students are expected to read and adhere to the Code of Student Conduct. The Dean of Students Office ensures that this policy is appropriately implemented, and will oversee the adjudication of any conduct code violations should they occur. The student conduct process is restorative in nature, and while we take severity of the incident into account when deciding sanctions, most violations are handled by educating students on the best ways to resolve conflict and negative behavior.
College Policies
FIT’s policies connect the College’s mission to the everyday actions of its community, clarify the institution’s expectations of its individual members, mitigate institutional risk, enhance efficiency, and support the College’s compliance with laws and regulations.
A complete listing of FIT College Policies is located in the FIT Policy Library. Additionally, all FIT students should be familiar with the FIT Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.
Good-faith reports of any actual, or suspected, violations of college policy should be made using the multiple channels provided by FIT.
Code of Student Conduct
All students are expected to read the Code of Student Conduct prior to starting their academic journey at FIT. The Code of Student Conduct outlines prohibited conduct at the College and outlines the disciplinary process if a student has allegedly violated the Code.
Title IX
All students must be aware of the prohibited conduct described within the Sexual Misconduct Response Policy prior to their start at the institution. Students who violate the Sexual Misconduct Response Policy may be subject to disciplinary sanctions as outlined in said Policy.
Alcohol & Other Drugs
FIT is a drug- and alcohol-free campus. All students are expected to follow the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy. Students who violate the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy may be subject disciplinary sanctions as outlined within the Code of Student Conduct.
Academic Honor Code
Students who imitate or copy another person’s idea or written work and claim it as original or cheat, shall be subject to penalties as described in the Academic Honor Code.
Processes and Forms
Reporting an Incident
Students, faculty, staff and any other community members who wish to file a complaint or incident report may do so by visiting the Department of Public Safety, located at 236 West 27th Street on the first floor.
Extended Absence Notice
The Dean of Students Office will send out an extended absence notice to a student's Professors in cases where they are going to be absent from classes for an extended period of time (72 hours or more) due to a prolonged medical illness/injury, extended hospitalization, and/or death in the family.
Chosen Name Form
FIT recognizes that students may choose to use a first name other than their legal first name to identify themselves. The College will use a student’s chosen name, when possible, unless the student’s legal name is required by law. Students can access the Chosen Name Request form here.
Dean's Certification Form
Students who transfer out of the institution in the middle of their academic journey at FIT or those that are choosing to continue their academic pursuits post completion of their degree may be asked to complete a Dean’s Certification Form from the proposed institution.
Wellness Resources

FIT Food Pantry
The FIT Food Pantry is a direct response to the State University of New York (SUNY) system initiative to provide students with more immediate resources to fight food insecurity.

Meditation Space
The FIT Meditation Space, located in Dubinsky Student Center, Room A-746, has been specifically created to provide a spiritually calm, warm, and supportive space for FIT students.

Lactation Rooms for Nursing Mothers
The Fashion Institute of Technology provides the use of private lactation rooms for students who are nursing mothers.

Health and Wellness
Health and wellness is more than responding to what our bodies need. At FIT, we create an environment where students can feel welcome and safe.