
FIT’s Office for Curriculum provides guidance to faculty and academic departments on revising and developing course curricula, undergraduate and graduate credit degree programs, and certificates. Guided by regulations from the U.S. Dept. of Education and New York State Education Department, Curriculum team members work collaboratively with academic and administrative offices to assist faculty in meeting state, regional, federal and national higher education expectations while designing and implementing innovative curricula.

The Office also assists faculty in preparing materials for review by the Collegewide Curriculum Committee, and with the Registrar's Office regarding the implementation of new curricular items or curriculum revisions.  


undergraduate catalog 2024-25 Graduate catalog

Quick Curriculum Links

See below for quick links to important curriculum information.

There are two forms for submitting curricular actions: the Course Management (courseadmin) form, and the Program Management (programadmin) form.
Each form focuses on specific actions. 

For more information on CIM, visit Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM).

For training dates, visit Curriculum Training Sessions.

For collegewide curriculum committee due dates and meeting dates, visit the Curriculum Review Meeting Dates page.

To review all curricular actions approved by the Deans in since 2014, visit Cumulative Curricular Actions.

SUNY has introduced Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (DEISJ) as a required general education category for all undergraduate degree-seeking students. 

SUNY DEISJ fellows from 16 SUNY campuses hold drop in hours. Visit the SUNY site to schedule an appointment with a SUNY DEISJ fellow. 

SUNY has introduced Civic Discourse as a required core competency for all undergraudate degree-seeking students. 

All undergraduate degree-seeking students must demonstrate the required student learning outcomes in three core competencies, Critical Thinking and Reasoning, Information Literacy, and Civic Discourse.

SUNY has selected ten faculty and staff from SUNY campuses to serve as Civic Education and Engagement and Civil Discourse fellows.

If you are a faculty member or Administrator who needs to have title or credentials updated in the Undergraduate or Graduate catalog, please follow the guidelines outlined in Faculty Credentials update (requires login).

Additional information can be found in MyFIT.

Workflow for Course and Program Actions



  1. action submitted into workflow
  2. department chair recommends action on behalf of department
  3. school dean recommends acton on behalf of school
  4. college wide curriculum committee recommends action
  5. deans council approves actioin
  6. academic affairs notifies chairs and deans of approval
  7. registrar reviews for banner input
  8. banner and relevant catalog pages updated

Contact Us

Faculty and Academic Program Support

Feldman Center, Room C913
(212) 271-4050
The Office of Faculty and Academic Program Support is:
Deborah Klesenski-Rispoli, EdD, Associate Vice President, Faculty and Academic Program Support
Devon Vidal, Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Instruction
Johanna Wilson, Executive Coordinator for Curriculum