Maria Hwang

BA, Wesleyan University
MEd, EdD, Columbia University Teachers College
Research Interests
Computer Science in Undergraduate Education, Computing in the Arts, Human Computer Interaction; Educational and Health Games; Gamified Ubiquitous Learning; Tailored and Persuasive Interventions; Self-Monitoring and Management Apps for Chronic Diseases
Publications and Presentation
The Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT), 2021
Presentation: 'Tangible Datasets? What, Why, & How'
The 26th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
(ITiCSE), 2021
Paper & Presentation: cardComposer: A Functional Programming Card Game
Late Breaking Work of the ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,
Japan, May 2021
Paper & Presentation: Meals for Monsters: A Mobile Application for Nutritional Engagement
The ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Japan, May 2021
Paper & Presentation: Reflection to Action: Perceptions of a Machine Learning-Based System for Nutrition
Goal Recommendations in Chronic Disease Self-Management
American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2021
Presentation: Data Tools for Educators: Studying Practitioners’ Reactions to Data-Driven Student
Groupings Suggested by Machine Learning
The Tenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI) in the
34th Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conference,
Paper & Presentation: Using Cloud Tools for Literate Programming to Redesign an AI course for Non-traditional
College Students
The Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT), November, 2019
Presentation: Lessons in Combining Discrete and Continuous Assessment Data: Activity Trackers, Standardized
Tests, and Test Anxiety
The ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glascow, April 2019
Presentation: Personalized, data-driven recommendations for diabetes self-management with GlucoGoalie
The ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glascow, April 2019
Paper & Presentation: Personal Health Oracle: Explorations of Personalized Predictions in Diabetes Self-Management
- National Science Foundation (NSF) – Award # 2104515: CRII:HCC: A Crowdsourced Social Computing Platform with Gamification Mechanisms for Healthy Eating ($175,000)
- Envisioning the Future of Computing in Undergraduate Education (CUE.NEXT) – Innovative CUE Ideas Award: Arts and Computing in NYC ($12,000)
- Adobe Analytics Challenge – A competition hosted by Adobe using their Adobe Analytics platform to analyze Nike sales data. Faculty advisor to an FIT student team, Flash, that won third place out of the original 1600 teams ($6,000)
- SIGCSE: Special Interest Group Computer Science Education – The Faculty Development Grants and Awards (FDGA)
- Office on Women's Health (OWH) Challenge, Dept of Health & Human Services – An Obesity Prevention Game Competition: Research for Monster Appetite through the Lens of Women ($12,000)
- Research for Feed Avatar Together – The Faculty Development Grants and Awards (FDGA)
- ACM CHI 2019 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – The Faculty Development Grants and Awards (FDGA)
- MA 322 Statistics, Machine Learning, and Data Mining
- CS 299 Arts and Computing in NYC
- MA 222 Statistical Analysis
- MA/CS 153 Programming and Mobile Apps
- MA 080 Basic Mathematics
- MA 080 Fundamentals of Mathematics