Accessibility at FIT

ADA Title II Rule Changes

In 2024, the Department of Justice (DOJ) released a final rule updating the regulations for Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This update is a major milestone in ensuring that web content and mobile applications provided by state and local governments are accessible to people with disabilities.

The new rule adopts the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Level AA, as the technical standard for accessibility. Colleges, universities, and other public entities serving populations of 50,000 or more must comply with the DOJ’s new accessibility requirements by April 24, 2026

For more detailed information on the new rule, visit Title II Rule Updates.

Accessibility is for Everyone

Electronic information technology (EIT) accessibility removes barriers to content delivered online—on websites, in apps, in emails, etc.

Accessibility focuses on all users, including those who use assistive technology, such as screen readers. It extends to users who have physical, sensory, and/or cognitive disabilities.

Bookmark and check this page often! More information and resources will be added as they become available.

Accessibility Assessment

New! Submit a webpage, document, or email and receive an accessibility assessment in return.

This is a pilot program that will continue through 2024.

Request an Assessment

Accessibility Facts

Defining "Disability"

"Disability" is broadly defined as a condition that may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these.

A disability may be present from birth or occur during a person's lifetime. A disability may be temporary or permanent.

Disabilities Are Common

One in 4 U.S. adults – 61 million Americans – have a disability that impacts major life activities. For Americans over the age of 75, the percentage is even higher: 46%. 

The percentage of U.S. public school students who receive special education or related services has increased over the last decade, to 13% of public school enrollment.

Sources: Centers for Disease Control, United States Census Bureau, National Center for Educational Statistics

Universal Design Benefits Everyone

Prioritizing accessibility usually improves usability for all, with or without a disability. Making a physical or online space accessible to individuals with disabilities also makes those spaces friendlier to others.

For example, video captions are created for viewers who are deaf and hard of hearing. But captions also help those with reading disabilities and those who are learning a new language.

Guidelines, Laws, and Policies

Schools that receive public funding are subject to guidelines determined by their respective state legislatures and the federal government. Schools that are part of larger systems, like SUNY, may also be subject to additional guidelines.  

» Learn About FIT's Accessibility Responsibilities


If you have questions or need more assistance with accessibility policies and procedures, please contact Norma Stary at [email protected]