Special Collections & College Archives
Special Collections and College Archives (SPARC) is the archive and rare book division of the FIT Library. It is a highly specialized and rich resource for the fashion industry and scholars of design history, including FIT's own fashion-centric graduate and undergraduate programs.
We at SPARC are here to help guide you in accessing our collections for use in your research. Please email us if you cannot find answers to your questions using our website.
View our Visit page for information on scheduling research appointments.
SPARC holds items that require special handling and environments due to their fragility and rarity. We have books and periodicals, video, oral history interviews, and hundreds of archival collections reflecting the activities of the fashion industry and beyond.
The best way to search our holdings is to use the OneSearch library catalog and narrow your search to Special Collections. The links below will help you to focus your research by accessing our holdings in different ways.

SPARC Connect
SPARC connect is our growing repository of finding aids that describe in detail our archival collections. Not all our collections are included in this resource, so be sure to use the library catalog to find additional material.

SPARC Digital
SPARC Digital delivers images digitized from the collection. Images come from both archival collections and rare books, and include fashion plates, photographs, and sketches.

Periodicals Index
This list of periodicals held by SPARC provides a birdseye view into which titles we hold along with the subjects they cover and which issues we have.

LibGuide Research Guides
Our research guides provide details on how to best use the SPARC collection for your research—helping you find items we hold, providing information on other research resources, and more.
General Information

Schedule research appointments, obtain our research schedules, and find information about how to schedule group or class visits to view SPARC materials.

Licensing and Reproduction
SPARC provides digital image files for use in your project or publication. Find information about our rates, and requirements.

SPARC provides opportunities for students and young professionals to gain experience in archives through internships or volunteer work. Learn how to apply to work with us.
Donate to SPARC
Make a gift using our Support FIT form. Be sure to write Special Collections and College Archives into the Enter Designation for Other field.