Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Policy No. EM0010

Policy Statement

FIT (inclusive of all associated auxiliary corporations) is committed to a drug-free environment. Unlawful possession, distribution, dispensation, manufacture, sale, or use of controlled and/or illegal substances and related paraphernalia on the FIT campus, or as part of any FIT activity, is prohibited and will not be tolerated.

Alcoholic beverages and related paraphernalia must not be brought into or consumed on the FIT campus or as part of any FIT activity, except where specifically authorized by the President, or President’s designee, for college events. Under no circumstances are alcoholic beverages to be served to any students on campus or as part of any FIT activity, with the exception of specifically authorized college events as outlined in this policy. Employees must not work or come onto the FIT campus impaired by alcohol.

Cannabis remains illegal as a matter of federal law and therefore the use and possession of cannabis and cannabis products is prohibited on the FIT campus.  Individuals who use cannabis for medical reasons in accordance with New York State law will be accommodated to the extent required by law and consistent with FIT’s goal of providing a safe workplace, but in no case may any individual use or possess cannabis or cannabis products during work time or on the FIT campus, and individuals are never authorized to work if intoxicated or impaired.

The college strictly enforces these policies, and violators may be sanctioned as explained in this policy.
Resources are available to assist members of the FIT community to prevent and recover from drug and alcohol abuse, and we encourage anyone in need to take advantage of those resources if they have substance abuse concerns.

Who is Affected by This Policy

  • All members of the FIT community

Policy Information

  • Responsible Administrator: Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success; Vice President for Human Resource Management and Labor Relations
  • Responsible Office(s): Enrollment Management and Student Success; Human Resource Management and Labor Relations
  • Implementation History: Issued 2007; Updated September 2017, August 2018, December 2018, September 2021
  • Contact: Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success/Dean of Students; Vice President for Human Resource Management and Labor Relations

View Official Policy 

EM0010, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention (.pdf)
*This PDF document is the official version of this policy.