Tuition & Fees

2023-2024 Graduate Tuition 

Tuition for part-time programs is calculated on a per credit rate. For complete details on current tuition rates and fees, please visit the Bursar's Tuition and Fees pages.

Tuition rates for international students are the same as for out-of-state students. Per credit rates apply to Winter and Summer semesters as well as any semester where course load is equal to less than 9 credit hours. 

The average Fall semester bill (tuition, fees, health insurance) for a full-time non-resident student entering in Fall 2023 was $13,440.

The average Fall semester bill (tuition, fees, health insurance) for a full-time NY State resident student entering in Fall 2023 was $7,418.

*The average Fall semester bill   (tuition & fees) for  a  part-time non-resident  student entering in Fall 2023 was  $6,155 .

*The average Fall semester bill (tuition & fees) for a part-time NY State resident student entering in Fall 2023 was $3,140.

*Part-time tuition and fees are calculated on a total of 6 credit hours.

Program-Specific Costs

When determining the cost of attendance for your program, please note that some programs may have supplemental out-of-pocket expenses outside of tuition and mandatory fees. These costs may include: books and supplies, professional memberships, travel, and personal expenses. These costs vary by program and may not be included in the overall Cost of Attendance as determined by the Office of Financial Aid. 

Books and instructional materials: Approximately $500 per year.

MacBook: Estimated at $1,500 (August of first year).

Required Field Study Courses: Companies/students should budget for three required Field Studies in the Curriculum as follows: first-year overseas Field Study course (approx. $7,500), second-year domestic Field Study course (approx. $3,750), and second- year overseas Field Study course (approx. $7,500).  These costs cover hotels, daily transport, meetings, workshops, and staffing. They do not include travel to and from the New York area or meals and incidental expenses.

Printing/Fabrication: Approximately $1,000.

Travel: Approximately $700–$900 for travel and accommodations to the Exhibitor Show in March. Students may attend optional conferences at an additional cost. 

Entrance Fees and Industry Memberships: $275

Texts/Reading Material: Approximately $300–400 for texts that you will only be able to get in print format. Faculty try to provide reading requirements in digital format as much as possible.

In addition to the cost of tuition, program costs include International Seminar travel and other expenses of approximately $4,000 to $6000. These figures are approximations and will vary according to individual spending habits. An additional administrative fee of $600-800 is required for the international seminar and will vary depending on the destination. 

It is recommended to budget approximately $4,000 per trip for the Paris seminar, $4,500 Hong Kong seminar, and $3,000 for Mexico City. The cost of seminars is not included in tuition.

An additional administrative fee of $450 for all seminars will be required.  

These figures are approximations and will vary according to individual spending habits. 

At the end of the second year of study, the class travels as a group to Los Angeles. Each student is responsible for the cost of travel, food, and lodging during the trip. An additional administrative fee of $450 is required for the Los Angeles seminar.

It is important to be mindful that as a graduate student, you may incur individual expenses. These are not included in your cost of attendance and may vary by individual choices related to location and circumstances.