Logos and Wordmarks

There are a variety of logo options and wordmarks that are key parts of the brand hierarchy stemming from the FIT button.

We encourage you to review the sample logos in the dropdown menus of the Brand Hierarchy section below before downloading logos and wordmarks.

How to Get Logos and Wordmarks

Lock-ups have been created for all divisions, schools, locations, etc.  Note: All lockups are currently in black and white in jpg format. If you don't see the lockup color or file you need, please make an inquiry

FIT-only: You must log in using your FIT username and password) 

Download Offices/Divisions and Schools/Departments logos (gDrive folder) 

Public: FIT Master Brand Logo, Institutional Master Brand Wordmark Lock-up (two lines), Institutional Master Brand Wordmark Lock-up (one line)

Download FIT logos and logomarks in EPS, PNG, SVG formats

Brand Hierarchy: Sample Logos

Logo lock-ups with the State University of New York wordmark should be used on external communications when space permits. Logo lock-ups without the State University of New York wordmark should be used primarily for internal communications.

With "State University of New York"

button logo

wordmark two lines

wordmark one line

division lockup for external use




Without "State University of New York"

administrative division lockup

school and academic center lockup

division lockup for internal use

lockup for school with department name

lockup for initiative

lockup for location