Faculty Academic Support

The following resources for faculty are designed to promote teaching methods and strategies, while also helping you develop:

  • educational skills
  • leadership skills
  • skills necessary to engage in scholarly activities

Faculty Handbook (.pdf)

Chairs Handbook (.pdf)


Center for Excellence in Teaching (CET)

 The FIT Faculty Development Program, anchored by the Center for Excellence in Teaching (CET), assists faculty in the development, use, and assessment of effective instructional and curricular strategies.

Faculty Services

The Office of Faculty Services provides guidance and support to all full-time and adjunct faculty in the areas of policies and procedures, assignment of program (AOP), tenure, promotion, reappointment, certificates of continuous employment (CCE), curriculum development, sabbatical leaves, and release time for research.  Faculty Services manages the administration of the student evaluation of teaching effectiveness process.

Office for Curriculum

FIT’s Office for Curriculum provides guidance to faculty and academic departments on revising and developing course curricula, undergraduate and graduate credit degree programs, and certificates. 

Faculty Research Space

FIT's Faculty Research Space is an interdisciplinary lab space intended to foster work across schools, and support a commitment to technology, innovation, and exploration, along with research and development. Faculty can explore on their own, collaborate, and/or bring students into the lab for demonstrations. 

Teaching Strategies

Teaching in Brightspace and Beyond

Do you use Brightspace for online, blended, or face-to-face courses? The Office of Online Learning offers live and archived workshops and maintains resources to help you leverage Brightspace and other recommended tools in your teaching. 

Teaching Writing and Speaking

Writing improves learning, promotes the sharing of ideas, and gives students a voice. FIT's Writing & Speaking Studio can help you incorporate writing into the courses you teach.

Creating Harmony in the Classroom

Today’s classroom environment has become increasingly challenging to manage. This guide from Enrollment Management and Student Success has been developed to provide some strategies on creating a harmonious classroom environment, and pointing out ways to recognize and address disruptive student behavior.