Psychological and Psychiatric Disabilities

Documentation Requirements

The Office of Disability Services (FIT-ABLE) at the Fashion Institute of Technology/SUNY, provides services to students with disabilities, working with each individually. Students with psychological or psychiatric disabilities must establish eligibility for services and/or reasonable accommodations by providing written documentation, on official letterhead, by a licensed professional qualified to diagnose and treat the students disability. We reserve the right to share your information with the appropriate professionals in the Colleges Counseling Center.

Your documentation should include the following:

  • Recent psychiatric evaluation including DSM diagnosis and code
  • Short term prognosis
  • Impact of the students disability while in study at the College
  • Impact of the students disability while living in on-campus residences
  • Medications the student is currently taking, and how they may affect the student
  • Explain how medication treatment for disabling condition will be managed when student lives on-campus
  • Type of treatment the student is currently receiving
  • Name, address, phone number and credentials of current treating mental health professional
  • Duration of relationship in treating the student
  • Recommended reasonable accommodations.

Please submit:

1. A completed  Student Release of Academic Information Form (.pdf)  authorizing health care professionals identified by you (physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, etc.) to provide information to FIT-ABLE to support the request for academic accommodations, and authorizing FIT-ABLE to seek the information from the identified professionals.

2. A Medical Information for Academic Accommodations Form (.pdf)   completed by your provider(s).